Hunt Results

Date Hunt Name Hider
2022-04-02 Mission Valley Reflections N6SZO & W6BAF


Greg, W6BAF and I located an interesting location on the south side of Mission Valley that had some elevation so we could see the-805 bridge across Mission Valley. Pointed the 4-ele. yagi due north towards the location where I-805 went up the north side of Mission Valley. Only one team could hear the 5 watt signal from Grossmont so went up to 10 W and eventually 25 W. Hunt started at 5:01. Great APRS tracking as one team took the scenic route via Lakeside. They soon converged on the I-805/I-8 intersection and began a random/methodological search of the area, up one parking lot and then to then to the next and then to the next, etc. Bill, W6ZM and Joe, KE6PHB were first to arrive at 6:03 and located the two MicroFoxes T's that were on 147.585 at 6:19. Tom, K6VCR and Bruce, K6AUW arrived at 6:17 and located the to micro T's at 6:23, Greg, KI6RXX and Conrad, KG6JEI arrived at 6:33 and located the micros at 6:47. Mark, K6MHO arrive at 6:35 and it should be noted that this was his first hunt with a "Hole in his Roof". We had advertised 3 1/2 T's, the 1/2 being a voice T that was announcing that the hunters should disregard this T as it was meant to distract them and not counted unless they just wanted to find it. After all Micros were found we adjourned to Venice Pizza on El Cajon Blvd. for dinner and conversation. N6SZO & W6BAF 1st Place W6ZM/KE6PHB 2nd Place K6VCR/K6AUW 3rd Place KI6RXX/KG6JEI 4th Place K6MHO

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