Hunt Results

Date Hunt Name Hider
2023-04-29 Palomar?? K6VCR


It was a fine day for a hunt. Beautiful weather and if you stayed away from Lakeside, you missed all the rodeo traffic. I had hidden the Los Angeles All Day Hunt on the previous Saturday so I was pretty burned out. I had several ideas leading up to the day before the hunt but as usual, none of them played out very well. As it turned out, it was a very challenging hunt for the hiders. APRS really made it amusing for the hider. When the main transmitter couldn't be heard at the start point, I turned the beam from bouncing off of Palomar to point directly at the start point at which time the signal was acquired by hunters. I was disappointed that my bounce didn't happen but the unintended consequence turned out to be very confusing to the hunters. First to the area of the main transmitter was team ZM. They drove almost all the way to it and turned around and headed away only to drive by again to the south and then approached from the east. Next in the area was RXX who also took a very roundabout route. RXX pulled into the lot moments ahead of team ZM at 12:53. RXX found all four transmitters, team SZO found two (4,5), team ZM found two (3,5) 1st Place KI6RXX 2nd Place N6SZO / W6BAF 3rd Place W6ZN / KI6DUR

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