Hunt Results

Date Hunt Name Hider
2023-10-07 La Mesa Hide KE6PHB


As advertised, this hunt was supposed to be easy following a difficult countywide hunt event the previous 5th Saturday. A main transmitter location (on Alvarado Rd) was selected 2.3 miles south of the hunt start . The target area was known for a high occurrence of radio reflections and also had an obscure approach (or so I thought). To ensure that the signal was heard at the start, the main transmitter was a 40 watt mobile into a 4-element mast mounted yagi in my standard hunt vehicle configuration. Two micro T's were hidden close to the main with no antennas to minimize the monitoring of these signals while teams were hunting the main on approach. The expectation of hunter confusion due to street/highway layout near the transmitter was somewhat successful for most of the hunters except the early arrival of the first team, Joe SZO and Greg BAF within 18 minutes (maybe a hunt speed record). They happened to be driving by the main on the nearby freeway just during a transmission and made some very good decisions at that point. Greg RXX arrived soon afterwards. Robert SCD and Bill ORF arrived next using the Kraken Doppler which performed admirably under the conditions in that location. The remaining two hunt teams, Bill ZM and Tom VCR arrived after a bit more hunting time in the area, possibly due to the presence of the aforementioned radio reflections. We adjourned to the Casa Blanca Mexican Restaurant to discuss the hunt and the Lakeside Hamfest earlier in the day.

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